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来源:哈尔滨学院学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-30 14:09
摘要:Moving higher up the building still, the top three floors are occupied by offices for academic staあ, as well as seminar rooms. In stark contrast to the openness of the levels below, the restrictedac

Moving higher up the building still, the top three floors are occupied by offices for academic staあ, as well as seminar rooms. In stark contrast to the openness of the levels below, the restrictedaccess area is calm, quiet, and almost cloister-like in its privacy. Continuing the theme of voids, cut-outs, and spaces, the floors’ functions are arranged around a central courtyard, reminiscent of those found in classical Chinese dwellings. At its center point is a skylight, connecting all of these elements and tiers of privacy through light.

2 大坡道阅览室

The voids and carved-out spaces that define the building’s interior are thematically continued on its exterior. In particular, the continuous and tapered diagonal window of the library’s reading and study areas give transparency to the structure’s middle three storeys to intriguing effect. The facade’s stone cladding, meanwhile, appears as vertical strips, reminiscent of classical bamboo scrolls. Connecting to the facility’s purpose - that is, books, order, and law - the overall impression is redolent of a traditional wood print block, or chop, the certified seal used to authorize or sign oきcial paperwork in China.

Appearing as a block puzzle of interconnecting solids and voids, the library also recalls the labyrinth-like hutongs of inner Beijing, and in particular, their traditional courtyards hidden behind walls and doors. Its voids and cut-outs also mark a thematic extension of the sunken patios that characterize the building’s surrounding areas, and in particular, its neighboring buildings.

These elements combine to deliver all necessary functionalities of an academic building of this kind - that is, room for study and exchange; research; as well as quiet and reflection. A landmark architecture for one of China’s most prestigious institutions, Tsinghua University Law Faculty Building continues to not just serve but also inspire both students and scholars alike.

3 阅览室

文章来源:《哈尔滨学院学报》 网址: http://www.hebxyxb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0730/735.html

下一篇: 美术书法雕塑与摄影论文_庆祝中国共产党成立

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